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I’m committed to crafting experiences that look good, function well and positively impact individuals: their lives, their work and their successes.

Beyond work, you can find me exploring new graphic media, practicing salsa or discovering new places.

Interactive designer with a thing for JavascriptArt & craft lover.

Developer skills





Functional, technical specifications

Usability test

Product management

Design skills

User Research

Experience mapping


Art direction

Design system 


Design thinking



Mobility data software 


Skin care e-shop


Self-driving mobility


Consumer goods

Use case 

How can mobility data visualization flows be leveraged to design an accurate transport offer in the Parisian region?

Hey, I'm Romy

A user-centered designer, avid JavaScript enthusiast and lifelong learner. 

​I believe that focusing on methodology rather than tools enables me to adapt and remain versatile in the ever-evolving world of technology and design.  The essence of my approach lies in empathizing with people, truly stepping into their shoes, and crafting meaningful and valuable experiences that deeply resonate for them. Beside work, I love creating visuals by mixing various media and materials. Whether it's combining paint and collage, blending digital and traditional elements, I find immense satisfaction in the process of exploring and discovering diverse mediums and artists.

There she is!

Exhibition Japon Rêvé @AtelierDesLumières

Main skills 

User experiences

Interactive interfaces

Product management 

Front-end development 

Use case 

How to design and develop an e-shop for Men's Skincare Brand?

Experimenting with different elements, combining them in unexpected ways

Bunch of experimentations, sketches & crashes

Beyond work, you can find me exploring new graphic media, practicing salsa or discovering new places.

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✦  Hey, I'm Romy  

I’m committed to crafting experiences that look good, function well and positively impact individuals: their lives, their work and their successes.

Interactive designer with a thing for Javascript. Art & craft lover.

Selected projects 



Mobility data software 


UX/UI Design


Skin care e-shop



Self-driving mobility



Consumer goods

Hey, I'm Romy

A user-centered designer, avid JavaScript enthusiast and lifelong learner. 

​I believe that focusing on methodology rather than tools enables me to adapt and remain versatile in the ever-evolving world of technology and design.  The essence of my approach lies in empathizing with people, truly stepping into their shoes, and crafting meaningful and valuable experiences that deeply resonate for them. Beside work, I love creating visuals by mixing various media and materials. Whether it's combining paint and collage, blending digital and traditional elements, I find immense satisfaction in the process of exploring and discivering new mediums and artists.

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